Why Sleeping Cabins Won't Work ... And What Will

Why Sleeping Cabins Won't Work ... And What Will

The county has now twice passed catastrophic legislation without first consulting the local community. These most recent efforts have, predictably, met with disastrous results on the ground.

Weathering Life's Storms: Finding Resilience in Community

Weathering Life's Storms: Finding Resilience in Community

In the midst of life's tempestuous moments, when dark clouds loom overhead and the winds of adversity howl, finding solace and strength can feel like an impossible task. Yet, just as a sturdy ship navigates through rough seas with the help of its crew, so too can individuals weather life's storms with the support of a community of faith or church. In this blog post, we explore how belonging to such a community can cultivate resilience in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Embracing the Season: The Profound Benefits of Belonging to a Church During the Holidays

Embracing the Season: The Profound Benefits of Belonging to a Church During the Holidays

As the holiday season unfurls its magic and warmth, the importance of community and connection becomes palpable. Amidst the twinkling lights and festive cheer, one place that stands as a beacon of solace and togetherness is the church. Beyond its spiritual significance, belonging to a church during the holidays offers a myriad of profound benefits that extend far beyond the pews.

Strengthening Bonds: How Belonging to a Church Family Nurtures Healthier Marriages

Strengthening Bonds: How Belonging to a Church Family Nurtures Healthier Marriages

Marriage, a beautiful union of hearts and souls, often thrives when rooted in a supportive community. Beyond the vows exchanged, the journey of a married couple benefits immensely from the nurturing embrace of a church family. Here's how being part of a church community can contribute to building stronger, healthier marriages.

The Abundant Blessings: How Children Thrive in Church Communities

The Abundant Blessings: How Children Thrive in Church Communities

Church communities are more than places of worship; they're nurturing grounds where children flourish emotionally, socially, and intellectually. The benefits of being part of a church extend far beyond religious teachings, offering an array of invaluable advantages that contribute to a child's holistic development.

Service Times

Worship Service
Sunday @ 10:30am (English)
Sunday @ 11:00am (Spanish)

Women's Restoration Gathering
Monday @ 5:30-6:30pm

Men's Breakfast
Wednesday @ 7-8am

Eat, Pray, Love Bible Study
Wednesday @ 7-8pm (Supper at 6:30pm)

Bible Studies

Women's Bible Study
First Saturday each Month @ 9:30am

Bible Study (all ages)
Wednesday @ 7-8pm (Supper at 6:30pm)

Volunteer Opportunities


Joseph's Storehouse Emergency Food Pantry
Monday - Thursday @ 9am-12pm

Contact Us

(619) 342-1414

Physical Address

3310 Bancroft Drive
Spring Valley, CA 91977


PO Box 221
Spring Valley, CA 91977

Please send secure mail to PO box instead of physical address. 

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