The Power of Belonging: Five Ways Faith Communities Boost Well-Being

The Power of Belonging: Five Ways Faith Communities Boost Well-Being

Belonging to a faith community can be a powerful force in nurturing overall well-being. The sense of connection, support, and shared beliefs often found within these communities can significantly impact individuals' lives. Here are five ways that belonging to a faith community can improve well-being:

Strength in Community: Seven Ways Joining a Church Benefits Children of Single Moms

Strength in Community: Seven Ways Joining a Church Benefits Children of Single Moms

Raising children as a single parent comes with its unique set of challenges. Single mothers often seek supportive communities that can provide a nurturing environment for their children. Joining a church can offer a supportive network that benefits children of single moms in numerous ways. Here are seven ways church involvement can positively impact these children:

Nurturing Mental Health: Six Ways Joining a Church Enhances Well-Being

Nurturing Mental Health: Six Ways Joining a Church Enhances Well-Being

Joining a church or religious community can have profound effects on mental health. Beyond spirituality, these communities often offer support, guidance, and a sense of belonging that significantly impacts mental well-being. Here are six ways that joining a church can enhance mental health:

Finding Healing: How Joining a Church Can Support Us As We Deal With Personal Loss

Finding Healing: How Joining a Church Can Support Us As We Deal With Personal Loss

Dealing with personal loss is an emotional journey that can often feel overwhelming and isolating. During these challenging times, finding a supportive community can be incredibly beneficial. Joining a church can offer a myriad of supportive elements that aid in navigating and healing from personal loss. Here are four reasons why becoming part of a church community can be invaluable during such trying times:

Finding Solace: Three Reasons Joining a Church Can Aid in Grief

Finding Solace: Three Reasons Joining a Church Can Aid in Grief

Dealing with grief can be an isolating experience. In times of loss, finding a community to lean on can be invaluable. For many, joining a church during such difficult times can provide a supportive environment that aids in navigating the complexities of grief. Here are three reasons why becoming a part of a church community can be immensely helpful:

Service Times

Worship Service
Sunday @ 10:30am (English)
Sunday @ 11:00am (Spanish)

Women's Restoration Gathering
Monday @ 5:30-6:30pm

Men's Breakfast
Wednesday @ 7-8am

Eat, Pray, Love Bible Study
Wednesday @ 7-8pm (Supper at 6:30pm)

Bible Studies

Women's Bible Study
First Saturday each Month @ 9:30am

Bible Study (all ages)
Wednesday @ 7-8pm (Supper at 6:30pm)

Volunteer Opportunities


Joseph's Storehouse Emergency Food Pantry
Monday - Thursday @ 9am-12pm

Contact Us

(619) 342-1414

Physical Address

3310 Bancroft Drive
Spring Valley, CA 91977


PO Box 221
Spring Valley, CA 91977

Please send secure mail to PO box instead of physical address. 

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